Release Notes

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.8.0 Patch 3

About this release
New features
Known issues
Resolved issues
Issues resolved in this release
Issues resolved in Patch 2
Issues resolved in Patch 1
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About this release

Thank you for using this McAfee product. This document contains important information about the current release. We strongly recommend that you read the entire document.


McAfee® VirusScan® Enterprise 8.8.0 Patch 3 provides support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 operating systems only.

Although McAfee has thoroughly tested this release, we strongly recommend that you verify this update in test and pilot groups prior to mass deployment. Review the New features, Known issues, and Resolved issues sections for additional information.

This document supplements the product Release Notes in the current release package.

For a list of supported environments and latest information for VirusScan Enterprise 8.8.0 on Microsoft Windows, see KnowledgeBase article KB51111.

Patch version

VirusScan Enterprise 8.8.0 Patch 3 package — Updates VirusScan Enterprise 8.8.0 Patch 2 clients on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 systems only.
VirusScan Enterprise 8.8.0 Repost Patch 3 package for Windows — Includes full installation for new systems only.
The Repost Patch 3 package installs:
Patch 3 to Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 systems only
Patch 2 to all other supported Windows versions
NoteAlthough the package includes both Patch 3 and Patch 2, only the appropriate patch is deployed to client systems, depending on the platform.
Both the Patch and Repost packages include VirusScan Enterprise 8.8.0 for ePolicy Orchestrator:
Patch Extension for VirusScan Enterprise VIRUSCAN8800(322).zip — includes full installation for new systems and VirusScan Enterprise 8.8.0 installations
Patch Reports for VirusScan Enterprise VIRUSCANREPORTS120(183).zip

Refer to KnowledgeBase article KB51111 for the most current VirusScan Enterprise 8.8.0 details.

Package date

January 14, 2013


Patch 3: Mandatory for Windows 8 & Server 2012

Patch 3 supports Windows 8 and Server 2012 operating systems only and, for those systems, the patch is Mandatory. McAfee Support requires customers using Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 systems to apply this patch before being able to provide assistance.

Patch 2: High Priority

McAfee considers this release to be high priority for supported Windows versions other than Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. Failure to apply a High Priority update might result in potential business impact.

See KnowledgeBase article KB51560 for information on ratings.

New features

Here is a list of features included with Patch 3.

Support for Windows 8

This release of VirusScan Enterprise:

Uses toast notifications (popup messages) to alert you to messages from the VirusScan Enterprise On-Access Scanner.
Integrates with the Windows Action Center (WAC).

You can view messages and resolve problems reported by VirusScan Enterprise from the Security area of the Action Center. For example, when VirusScan Enterprise is out of date, a message appears in the Action Center.

Supports the Windows 8 Early Launch Anti-Malware (ELAM) feature.

The ELAM driver (signed by Microsoft) starts anti-malware software before any third-party boot drivers, logs all drivers and executables loaded during boot and, once the system is booted, passes the list to VirusScan Enterprise for scanning.

If you suspect a rootkit is present:

1Verify that your detection definition (DAT) files are up-to-date.
2Restart the system to enable VirusScan Enterprise to identify any drivers that need to be scanned.
3Restart again to allow ELAM to block the identified rootkit drivers from loading.
Does not include the Buffer Overflow Protection (BOP) feature.

See Policy settings changes for policy changes.

NoteMcAfee Host Intrusion Prevention 8.0 Patch 3 will include support for BOP on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
VirusScan Enterprise Patch 3 no longer disables Microsoft Windows Defender during installation to Windows 8 and Server 2012 systems.

Connected standby mode

This release of VirusScan Enterprise provides support for systems in connected standby mode (also called Always On Always Connected or AOAC).

Note AOAC mode is only supported on Windows 8 systems with hardware chips that support AOAC.
AOAC suspended mode

When the system is in AOAC suspended mode, VirusScan Enterprise does not perform scans or DAT updates. If an on-demand scan (ODS) starts before the system hibernates in AOAC or battery mode, the ODS pauses. If Run missed tasks option is selected, any missed ODS scans run immediately when the system wakes from suspended mode.

User present mode

When a user is present (keyboard and/or mouse interaction within 5 minutes), VirusScan Enterprise performs any on-demand scans and DAT updates as specified by the schedule.

Policy settings changes
New or changed setting Console option Extension option
Cookie scans have been removed. Scan cookie files on the On-Access Scan Properties | General Settings | General tab Scan cookie files on the On-Access General Policies | General tab
Artemis (GTI) sensitivity level is now set to Medium by default for new installations only (not upgrades).
NotePolicy settings in McAfee ePO override this default.
Sensitivity level on the On-Access Scan Properties | General Settings | General tab Sensitivity level on the On-Access General Policies | General tab
VirusScan Enterprise Console now includes a menu option that links to KnowledgeBase article KB65944. Help | Known Issues n/a
Buffer Overflow Protection has been removed from Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. Buffer Overflow Protection in the Task list Buffer Overflow Protection Policies
Registry settings changes
New or changed setting Registry entries DWORD default value
Delayed Write Scan mode is now enabled by default.

This mode delays all scans of modified files to lower priority background threads. This improves performance for processes that write data to disk frequently and/or write a lot of data in a short amount of time.

Important To maintain security, you must enable the Scan on Read setting.

Removable media and network file share write operations are still scanned immediately on Close.

For more information, see KnowledgeBase article KB75374.

32-bit systems:

HKLM\Software\McAfee\SystemCore\VSCore\On Access Scanner\McShield\Configuration:

64-bit systems:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\McAfee\SystemCore\VSCore\On Access Scanner\McShield\Configuration:
1 (enabled)
Rootkit Detection mode is now enabled by default.

By enumerating the files at the NTFS level, this mode detects more rootkits that are hiding at the Win32 user-mode level.

32-bit systems:


64-bit systems:
1 (enabled)
On-Demand Scanner is now limited to one thread per CPU, 6 threads total by default. This limits the amount of memory used by ODS.
To activate this feature, the System utilization slider setting (on the On-Demand Scan Properties, Performance tab) must be set to Below Normal.
To change the maximum number of threads, set the DWORD value.
To deactivate this feature, set the DWORD value to "0".
32-bit systems:


64-bit systems:
6 (maximum number of threads)
Artemis performance is increased when scanning large files.
Large files are now hashed and, in parallel with the scan, an Artemis query runs to determine whether the file is known to be clean. If so, the scan stops.
NoteThe Artemis query runs regardless of the sensitivity level.
Because hashes are cached, future scans can use the existing hash if the file hasn't been modified.

By default, files larger than 5MB are hashed. To specify the size of files that trigger this behavior, set the DWORD value.

32-bit systems:


64-bit systems:

Updated components

This release includes updated versions of the following components.

Component Version
McAfee Agent
VSCore 15.1

ASLR and DEP features

This release of VirusScan Enterprise enables the following security features for all VirusScan Enterprise components:

Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

Known issues

For known issues in this product release, refer to KnowledgeBase article KB75923.

Resolved issues

Here is a list of issues from previous releases of the software that have been fixed.