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  QNAP NAS HBS 3 Authentication Bypass

Category: IoT-ATTACKS      

An improper authorization vulnerability has been reported to affect QNAP NAS running HBS 3 (Hybrid Backup Sync. ) If exploited, the vulnerability allows remote attackers to log in to a device. This issue affects: QNAP Systems Inc. HBS 3 versions prior to v16.0.0415 on QTS 4.5.2; versions prior to v3.0.210412 on QTS 4.3.6; versions prior to v3.0.210411 on QTS 4.3.4; versions prior to v3.0.210411 on QTS 4.3.3; versions prior to v16.0.0419 on QuTS hero h4.5.1; versions prior to v16.0.0419 on QuTScloud c4.5.1~c4.5.4.

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