
Sonicwall Signatures


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Category: INFO

Info Category Description

This SonicWALL IPS signature category consists of a group of signatures that provide administrators with information about network usage. The traffic detected by these signatures are not threats in and of themselves. They instead alert administrators to suspicious activity that may indicate that an attack is in progress.

The signatures in this category detect bad logins or blank passwords when users try to telnet to a computer or log into an FTP server. While this usually indicates that a user has forgotten or carelessly mistyped their password, a large number of successive attempts may indicate that an attacker is engaging in a brute force attack to try to log into a server or workstation on the network.

These low-priority signatures are by default set to detect.

  TCP Port 0 Traffic 1
  UDP Port 0 Traffic 1
  QQDownload Informational 1
  QQDownload Informational 2
  QQDownload Informational 3
  Telnet Informational 1
  Telnet Informational 2
  SSLv3.0 Informational 1
  TLSv1 Informational 1
  TeamViewer Informational
  rlogin froot Login
  SSLv3.0 Informational 2
  FTP Login Failed 1
  Microsoft SQL Server xp_dirtree Stored Procedure Call 1
  Microsoft SQL Server xp_dirtree Stored Procedure Call 2
  Oversize ICMP Packet
  FTP Login Failed 2
  Telnet Login Failed
  Remote Registry Access (port 139) 1
  Remote Registry Access (port 139) 2
  SMTP Relay Denied
  TLSv1 Informational 2
  rlogin root Login
  rsh root Login
  SMB Request with xp_cmdshell Stored Procedure Call 1
  Microsoft SQL Server xp_cmdshell Stored Procedure Call 1
  Remote Registry Access (port 445) 1
  Remote Registry Access (port 445) 2
  Microsoft SQL Server sp_start_job Stored Procedure Call 1
  Microsoft SQL Server xp_reg Stored Procedure Call 1
  Microsoft SQL Server sp_start_job Stored Procedure Call 2
  Microsoft SQL Server xp_reg Stored Procedure Call 2
  Microsoft SQL Server xp_cmdshell Stored Procedure Call 2
  SMB Request with xp_cmdshell Stored Procedure Call 2
  Microsoft SQL Server sa Login Failed 1
  Microsoft SQL Server sa Login Failed 2
  Telnet Login Failed (incorrect)
  Telnet root Login
  QQMusic Informational
  iHeartRadio Informational
  Apache httpd .htgroup Access
  PHP File Upload (HTTP Inbound) 2
  PHP File Upload (HTTP Inbound) 3
  Client Request Content-Type Informational 4
  Microsoft SQL Server sa Login Failed 3
  Microsoft SQL Server Administrator Login Failed 1
  Microsoft SQL Server Administrator Login Failed 2
  Apache httpd .htaccess Access
  Fortinet FortiOS Informational
  GetCMD.dll File Download (SMB)
  Apache httpd .wwwacl Access
  Apache httpd httpd.conf Access
  SIP Session Progress
  DHCP Empty Client MAC Address
  Symantec Live Update Informational
  Client Request Content-Type Informational 2
  Client Request Content-Type Informational 1 -c2
  Client Request Content-Type Informational 2 -c2
  PHP File Upload (HTTP Inbound) 1
  WebDAV Informational
  iisadmin Access
  HTTP Request with xp_cmdshell Stored Procedure Call 1
  Microsoft SQL Server sa Login Failed 4
  /etc/passwd Access 1
  Adobe Director File with Lingo Script
  HTTP Request URI with Java Object Declaration 1
  HTTP Request URI with Java Object Declaration 2
  Irregular SMB Traffic 9
  HTTPS Response with Punycode String
  PowerShell Access (POST)
  PopCalc.dll File Download
  Inductive Automation Ignition Informational
  HTTP Request with Irregular URI (phpinfo)
  *_vrf.dll SMB Download
  Microsoft OLE DB Driver Error
  Ipswitch WS_FTP ws_ftp.log Access
  Ipswitch WS_FTP ws_ftp.ini Access
  Irregular RTSP Content-Type 1 File Download (SMB)
  HTTPS Request with Punycode String
  ECDH Informational 1
  ECDH Informational 2
  shutdown Command (HTTP)
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 11
  HTTP Request Body with SQL Statement (OR) 3
  PDF with JavaScript File Download (HTTP) 1
  PDF with JavaScript File Download (HTTP) 2
  HTTP Request Body with SQL Statement (UNION SELECT) 2
  MalAgent.T1 Informational
  GitLab POST Requests to GraphQL Endpoint
  /etc/passwd Access 11
  PDF with JavaScript File Download (HTTP) 3
  JSP File Upload (HTTP Inbound) 1
  JSP File Upload (HTTP Inbound) 2
  HTTP Traverse Request 1
  Server Response Content-Type Informational 4
  User Agent Informational 1
  User Agent Informational 2
  XML Informational 3
  XML Informational 4
  Server Response Content-Type Informational 5
  Server Response Content-Type Informational 6
  SSL/TLS Channel Carrying Plain Text Data (POST)
  Git Informational
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (UNION SELECT) 1 -c2
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (UNION SELECT) 2 -c2
  System32/config Directory Access 1
  HTTP Request with Irregular URI (star)
  Freegate Informational
  IMAP Informational 1
  Client Request Content-Type Informational 3
  HTTP Request with SQL Statement (DROP) 1
  HTTP Request with SQL Statement (DROP) 2
  GitLab Informational 1
  Apache httpd .www_acl Access
  Server Response User-Agent Informational 1
  CGI File Deletion
  CGI File Creation
  ThinVnc.ini Access
  powershell.exe Executable File Download
  Xunlei Thunder Informational 2
  .htaccess File Overwrite
  HTTP Request (json) with python Command 1
  HTTP Request (json) with python Command 2
  PostgreSQL COPY FROM PROGRAM Statement
  Atlassian Jira Server Default.jspa Access
  Oko VPN Informational
  CUPS Connect Back Request
  QUIC Informational 1
  WordPress sym404 Access
  HTTP Multi-Status Response with Executable File Path
  PnP Informational
  Windows Print Spooler Informational 1
  SRVSVC Informational 1
  NetBIOS Close Informational 1
  Windows Print Spooler Informational 3
  HLP File HTTP Download
  HTTP Request with Irregular URI (jsp)
  HLP File SMB Download
  VML File Download (HTTP) 1 -c2
  VML File Download (HTTP) 2 -c2
  VML File Download (HTTP) 3 -c2
  VML File Download (HTTP) 4 -c2 DNS Query
  PowerShell Access (GET)
  LINE Outgoing Call TCP Informational
  HTTP Request with Double Transfer-Encoding Header
  SRVSVC Informational 2
  VMware vRealize Log Insight getConfig Call
  Markdown File Informational
  VMware vRealize Log Insight runCommand Call
  Irregular OpenSSL Traffic 1
  VML File Download (HTTP) 1
  TCP Port 0 Traffic 2
  UDP Port 0 Traffic 2
  VML File Download (HTTP) 2
  VML File Download (HTTP) 3
  Web Application SQL Statement (AND IIF) 1
  Irregular OpenSSL Traffic 2
  Skype Informational
  Irregular OpenSSL Traffic 3
  Irregular OpenSSL Traffic 4
  SRVSVC Informational 3
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (WAITFOR DELAY) 1
  Web Application SQL Statement (AND IIF) 1 -c2
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (WAITFOR DELAY) 2
  OpenSSL Heartbeat 1
  Irregular OpenSSL Traffic 5
  Irregular OpenSSL Traffic 6
  SMTP EHLO ylmf-pc Domain
  pyLoad info.html Access
  SSLv3.0 Informational 3
  TLSv1.0 (SSLv3.1) Informational
  TLSv1.1 Informational
  TLSv1.2 Informational
  Email with TNEF Attachment
  WKSSVC Informational 2
  System32/config Directory Access 2
  SSL/TLS Channel Carrying Plain Text Data (GET)
  Possible Meterpreter Windows Reverse TCP Traffic
  Microsoft SharePoint Server Informational
  VML File Download (HTTP) 4
  PSBlock Access
  HTTP Request with X-Forwarded-For localhost Header 1
  HTTP Request with X-Forwarded-For localhost Header 2
  HTTP Request with X-Forwarded-For localhost Header 3
  HTTP Request with X-Real-Ip localhost Header 1
  HTTP Request with X-Real-Ip localhost Header 2
  HTTP Request with X-Real-Ip localhost Header 3
  HTTP Request with True-Client-IP localhost Header 1
  HTTP Request with True-Client-IP localhost Header 2
  PDF with Flash Video File Download (HTTP) 1
  HTTP Request with True-Client-IP localhost Header 3
  DTLS HELLO Informational 1
  Service Location Protocol Service Registration Request
  Service Location Protocol Service Type Request
  HTML Informational DOCTYPE
  Script Tag Informational 4
  Script Tag Informational 5
  ownCloud Authentication Bypass Using pre-signed URL Informational
  Possible Ivanti Connect Secure Auth Bypass Scanner Request
  HTTP Request with Unicode URI 2
  HTTP Request with Unicode URI 1 -c2
  Jenkins CLI Websocket Access
  HTTP Request with Unicode URI 2 -c2
  MySQL root Login Failed
  SystemRoot Directory Access
  NetBIOS Close Informational 2
  Microsoft Outlook MONIKERLINK Remote Code Execution Informational
  Web Application SQL Backup File Download
  Rustdesk Informational 1
  Delinea Secret Server Possible Unauthenticated SearchSecrets Access
  Laravel Framework Sensitive Logs Access Attempt
  LNK File Security Feature Bypass
  T.120 Informational
  WordPress Debug Log Access
  IMAP Informational 4
  Reset Reg IMAP Informational 1
  IMAP Informational 3
  IMAP Informational 5
  Reset Reg IMAP Informational 2
  Script Tag Informational 3
  Script Tag Informational 1
  Windows License Logging Service Traffic 1
  EOT File HTTP Informational
  Windows License Logging Service Traffic 2
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 14
  Test Stars Informational 1
  Test Stars Informational 2
  Absolute Computrace Server Response
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 07
  /etc/passwd Access 3
  LSARPC Informational 2
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 04
  HTTP POST Root Informational
  SSLv2.0 Client Hello
  SSLv2.0 Client Hello 2
  ActiveX Object Instantiation 1
  SSLv2.0 Informational
  SSLv2.0 Server Hello
  Client Request Content-Type Informational 1
  PDF File Informational 1
  PDF File Informational 2
  SIP Informational 1
  Irregular SIP Traffic 1
  SIP Informational 2
  Microsoft Office Document with Macros
  Irregular HTTP Traffic 3
  Irregular SIP Traffic 2
  PDF with Flash Video File Download (HTTP) 2
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 06
  HTTP Request Informational 1
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 12
  Windows Print Spooler Executable File Reception 1
  HTTP Error Informational 1
  HTTP Error Informational 2
  SSLv3.0 Informational 4
  Downgraded TLS Traffic
  TLSv1.0 (SSLv3.1) Informational 2
  TLSv1.1 Informational 2
  TLSv1.2 Informational 2
  SMB Informational 1a
  Windows Print Spooler Informational 2a
  Windows Print Spooler Executable File Reception 2
  Windows Print Spooler Informational 2b
  Web Application Default Account Login (admin) 6
  HTTP Request Informational 2
  SIP friendly-scanner User-Agent
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 24
  Script Tag Informational 2
  Irregular HTTP Traffic 4
  SIP Stress Test (Non-token Characters) 1
  SIP Stress Test (Extra Spaces) 1
  SIP Stress Test (Escaped Headers in Request URI)
  SIP Stress Test (Unknown Protocol Version) 1
  SIP Stress Test (Extra Spaces) 6
  SIP Stress Test (Multiple Values Exception) 1
  SIP Stress Test (Multiple Values Exception) 2
  SIP Stress Test (Invalid Time Zone) 1
  SIP Stress Test (Multiple Values Exception) 3
  SIP Stress Test (Max-Forwards of Zero)
  SIP Stress Test (Multiple Values Exception) 4
  SIP Stress Test (Multiple Values Exception) 5
  SIP Stress Test (Multiple Values Exception) 6
  WebDAV WebdavRedirector Handle Access
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (XOR)
  /etc/passwd Access 2
  Microsoft IIS ExAir Sample Site Access 1
  Microsoft IIS ExAir Sample Site Access 2
  Microsoft IIS ExAir Sample Site Access 3
  HTTP 7-bit Unicode Transformation Format
  Microsoft Office Document with Flash Video
  HTTP Request with Unicode URI 1
  HTTP Requet with Empty Accept-Encoding Header
  Irregular SMB Traffic 1
  NetBIOS Informational 1a
  NetBIOS Informational 1b
  Server Response Content-Type Informational 1
  Reset Reg OK Informational
  Server Response Content-Type Informational 2
  SMB Informational 1b
  Irregular SMB Traffic 2
  FTP Informational 1
  FTP Informational 2
  DNS Informational 3
  DNS Informational 4
  SMB Informational 2a
  SMB Informational 2b
  Web Application Default Account Login (admin) 1
  Web Application Default Account Login (admin) 2
  PCAnywhere Informational
  Web Application Default Account Login (admin) 3
  Web Application Default Account Login (admin) 4
  LPD Informational
  Irregular SMB Traffic 2 -c2
  LNK File HTTP Download 1
  Microsoft Office Document with Flash Video 2
  ActiveX Object Instantiation 2
  LINE Outgoing Call UDP Informational
  DNS Irregular Traffic 1
  PDF File within XDP
  HTTP Request with Empty User-Agent Header
  HTTP Request with Empty User-Agent Header -c2
  Irregular HTTP Traffic 1
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (UNION SELECT) 1
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (SELECT FROM)
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (DELETE FROM)
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (INSERT) 1
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (CREATE) 1
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (DROP TABLE)
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (DROP FUNCTION)
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (UNION ALL)
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (UPDATE SET)
  Microsoft IIS Form_JScript.asp Access
  Microsoft IIS ServerVariables_Jscript.asp Access
  rlogin guest Login
  rlogin nobody Login
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (IF) 1
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (OR) 1
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (IF) 2
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (OR) 2
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (SELECT WHERE)
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (AND) 1
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (AND) 2
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (BENCHMARK)
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (FROM) 1
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (FROM) 2
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (DISTINCT) 1
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (DISTINCT) 2
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (SCHEMA) 1
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (SCHEMA) 2
  Irregular SMB Traffic 3
  FTP Informational 3
  SIP Stress Test (Non-token Characters) 2
  SIP Stress Test (Non-token Characters) 3
  SIP Stress Test (Non-token Characters) 4
  SIP Stress Test (Non-token Characters) 7
  SIP Stress Test (Non-token Characters) 8
  SIP Stress Test (Non-token Characters) 5
  SIP Stress Test (Non-token Characters) 6
  SIP Stress Test (Extra Spaces) 2
  SIP Stress Test (Extra Spaces) 3
  SIP Stress Test (Extra Spaces) 4
  SIP Stress Test (Extra Spaces) 5
  SIP Stress Test (Unknown Protocol Version) 2
  SIP Stress Test (Unknown Protocol Version) 3
  SIP Stress Test (Invalid Time Zone) 2
  SIP Stress Test (Atypical Scheme) 1
  SIP Stress Test (Atypical Scheme) 2
  SIP Stress Test (Atypical Scheme) 3
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 05
  IMAP Informational 2
  Apache httpd server-info Access
  Apache httpd server-status Access
  Adobe ColdFusion snippets Access
  Adobe ColdFusion expeval Access
  trace.axd Access
  SVN Entries Path Access
  CVS Entries Path Access
  Microsoft SQL Server UDP Status Request
  NetBIOS Name Request Probe
  Psiphon Informational 8
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 15
  Psiphon Informational 9
  Psiphon Informational 10
  Psiphon Informational 11
  Psiphon Informational 12
  Psiphon Informational 13
  Psiphon Informational 14
  Psiphon Informational 15
  Psiphon Informational 16
  Psiphon Informational 17
  Psiphon Informational 18
  Psiphon Informational 19
  Psiphon Informational 20
  Psiphon Informational 21
  Psiphon Informational 22
  Psiphon Informational 23
  Psiphon Informational 24
  Psiphon Informational 25
  Psiphon Informational 26
  Psiphon Informational 27
  Psiphon Informational 28
  Psiphon Informational 29
  Psiphon Informational 30
  Psiphon Informational 31
  Psiphon Informational 32
  Psiphon Informational 33
  Psiphon Informational 34
  Psiphon Informational 35
  Psiphon Informational 36
  Psiphon Informational 37
  Psiphon Informational 38
  Psiphon Informational 39
  Psiphon Informational 40
  Psiphon Informational 41
  Psiphon Informational 42
  Psiphon Informational 43
  Psiphon Informational 44
  Psiphon Informational 45
  Psiphon Informational 46
  Psiphon Informational 47
  HTTP Request Body with SQL Statement (OR) 1
  HTTP Request Body with SQL Statement (OR) 2
  HTTP Request Body with SQL Statement (AND) 1
  HTTP Request Body with SQL Statement (AND) 2
  Xunlei Thunder Informational 1
  Xunlei Thunder Informational 4
  Xunlei Thunder Informational 3
  Avaya IP Office Informational
  Microsoft FrontPage _vti_pvt Subpath Access
  Server Response Content-Type Informational 3
  SMB Informational 3
  Irregular SMB Traffic 4
  Possible DNS Tunneling Traffic 1
  Qvod Informational 2
  Qvod Informational 1 DNS Query
  Irregular SIP Traffic 3
  OpenVPN Informational 1
  OpenVPN Informational 2
  OpenVPN Informational 3
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (INSERT) 2
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (CREATE) 2
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (CREATE) 3
  Irregular HTTP Traffic 2
  Applet Tag Informational 1
  Applet Tag Informational 2
  Applet Tag Informational 3
  Response Body Informational
  AppData Directory Access
  FTP anonymous User Login
  FTP ftp User Login
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 08
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 09
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 10
  SSL Change Cipher Spec Informational
  Client Request User-Agent Informational 1
  /etc/passwd Access 4
  Irregular SMB Traffic 5
  Irregular XML File 1
  TLSv1.2 Alert Warning Informational
  Ultrasurf Informational [Reqs DPI-SSL CI]
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 16
  HTML HTTP Informational 2
  ISC BIND openpgpkey Informational
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 17
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 18
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 19
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 20
  OpenVPN Informational 4
  SAMR Informational
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (DECLARE SET CURSOR)
  Irregular SMB Traffic 7
  HTTP Request with Proxy Header
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 21
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 22
  /etc/passwd Access 5
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 23
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 25
  /etc/passwd Access 6
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 26
  ZeroVPN TCP Informational 1
  ZeroVPN TCP Informational 2
  Flash Video Informational 1
  Flash Video Informational 2
  HTML HTTP Informational 3
  HTML HTTP Informational 4
  HTTP Traverse Request 2
  HTTP Traverse Request 3
  HTML HTTP Informational 5
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 27
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 29
  HTML HTTP Informational 6
  ZeroVPN UDP Informational
  PHP Web Application Environment Probe
  HTTP Request Informational ADA
  HTTP Request Informational ADB
  HTTP Request Informational ADC
  HTTP Request Informational ADD
  HTTP Request Informational ADE
  HTTP Request Informational ADF
  HTTP Request Informational ADG
  HTTP Request Informational ADH
  HTTP Request Informational ADI
  HTTP Request Informational ADJ
  HTTP Request Informational ADK
  HTTP Request Informational ADL
  HTTP Request Informational ADM
  HTTP Request Informational ADN
  HTTP Request Informational ADO
  HTTP Request Informational ADP
  HTTP Request Informational ADQ
  HTTP Request Informational ADR
  HTTP Request Informational ADS
  HTTP Request Informational ADT
  HTTP Request Informational ADU
  HTTP Request Informational ADV
  HTTP Request Informational ADW
  HTTP Request Informational ADX
  HTTP Request Informational ADY
  HTTP Request Informational AEA
  HTTP Request Informational AEB
  HTTP Request Informational AEC
  HTTP Request Informational AED
  HTTP Request Informational AEE
  Email Attachment Informational 1
  Email Attachment Informational 2
  Email Attachment Informational 3
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (UNION SELECT) 2
  BitTorrent Protocol UDP Informational
  HTML HTTP Informational 7
  HTML HTTP Informational 8
  HTML HTTP Informational 9
  HTTP Request with Content-Type Header 0x257B23
  Intel Active Management Technology Server Response 1
  Intel Active Management Technology Server Response 2
  LINE TCP Incoming Call Informational
  LINE UDP Incoming Call Informational
  SMB Informational 5
  Irregular SMB Traffic 8
  Web Application Default Account Login (admin) 5
  HTML HTTP Informational 10
  WebEx Informational
  Irregular HTTP Content-Encoding Header 1
  SMB Informational 7
  SMB Informational 8
  /etc/passwd Access 7
  /etc/passwd Access 8
  Email Attachment Informational 4
  HTTP Request safe_mode=off
  phpMyAdmin setup.php Access
  QQ TCP 80 Informational 1
  QQ TCP 80 Informational 2
  Web Robots Activity 1
  DingTalk Informational 1
  Web Robots Activity 2
  Hidden HTML Iframe 1
  Irregular HTTP Content-Encoding Header 2
  Irregular HTTP Content-Encoding Header 3
  Irregular HTTP Content-Encoding Header 4
  /etc/passwd Access 9
  HTTP Request Body with SQL Statement (AND) 3
  HTTP Request Body with SQL Statement (AND) 4
  HTTP Request Body with SQL Statement (AND) 5
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 34
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 35
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 01
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 02
  HTTP Status Code 449
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 36
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 37
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 38
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 39
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 40
  NTP Mode 6 Protocol
  Memcached UDP Traffic
  /etc/passwd Access 10
  Squid Informational
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 30
  Hidden HTML Iframe 2
  Cisco IOS Smart Install Protocol
  PDF with Flash Video File Download (HTTP) 3
  PDF with Flash Video File Download (HTTP) 4
  RTF File Informational
  HTTP Data Egress to Non-Standard Ports
  DNS Informational 1
  DNS Informational 2
  LNK File HTTP Download 2
  HTTP Request Informational BDC
  HTTP Request Informational BDD
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 13
  Microsoft Jet Database Engine Local Data Source
  X-VPN Informational
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 31
  Apache Tomcat Default Servlet Open Redirect
  SIP TCP Informational 1
  SIP TCP Informational 2
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 33
  Go HTTP Informational
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 32
  Incremental Informational
  ProFTPD Informational
  Adobe ColdFusion JNBridge Access
  Possible Meterpreter Reverse HTTPS Traffic
  HTTP/2 Inbound Informational 1
  HTTP/2 PING Informational
  HTTP/2 SETTINGS Informational
  Obfuscated VBScript/JavaScript Code 28
  Email Header Informational 1a
  Email Header Informational 1b
  Email Header Informational 1c
  Email Header Informational 1d
  Email Header Informational 2a
  Email Header Informational 2b
  Email Header Informational 2c
  Email Header Informational 2d
  Email Header Informational 1e
  Email Header Informational 1f
  Email Header Informational 2e
  Email Header Informational 2f
  Email Header Informational 3a
  Email Header Informational 3b
  Email Header Informational 3c
  Email Header Informational 3d
  Email Header Informational 3e
  Email Header Informational 3f
  Email Header Informational 4a
  Email Header Informational 4b
  Email Header Informational 4c
  Email Header Informational 4d
  Email Header Informational 4e
  Email Header Informational 4f
  Email with RA Attachment 1
  Email with RA Attachment 2
  Email with MS-CFB Attachment
  Email with ACCDB Attachment
  Email with BMP Attachment 1
  Email with Office Open XML Attachment
  Email with XML Attachment 1
  Email with BMP Attachment 2
  Email with PDF Attachment 1
  Email with DOC Attachment
  Email with XML Attachment 2
  Email with MOV Attachment
  editBlackAndWhiteList Access
  /cgi-bin/nobody/ Access
  Git .git Directory Access
  HTTP Request URI with SQL Statement (db_name)
  XML Informational 1
  XML Informational 2
  /ecp/default.aspx Access
  config.exp Access
  SMBv3 Compression Transform Header
  Irregular Java Serialized Object 1
  Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler.aspx Access
  Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd Access
  Telerik UI RadAsyncUpload Inbound 1
  Telerik UI RadAsyncUpload Inbound 2
  Reset Reg OK Informational -c2
  HTTP Request Body with SQL Statement (UNION SELECT) 1
  HTTP Request Body with SQL Statement (CREATE TABLE) 1
  Microsoft Exchange Server x.js Access
  TLS1.2 Client Renegotiation within Short Period
  .env File Access
  HTTP/2 Inbound Informational 2
  HTTP/2 Outbound Informational
  VMware vCenter vSAN Health Check plugin Site Access
  Irregular XSRF Header
  Windows Print Spooler AddPrinterDriverEx Request
  D-Link DIR-3040 Informational
  WindowsPowerShell Directory Access
  autodiscover.json Access
  Oracle WebLogic Server Local File Inclusion
  Oracle WebLogic Server Local File Inclusion 2
  TeamViewer Informational 2
  Joomla! Webservice Endpoint Access
  WordPress plugin WooCommerce Payments readme.txt Access
  Ivanti MobileIron Core Unauthenticated API Access
  VMware Workspace ONE Access Authentication Bypass
  VMware Workspace ONE Access Authentication Bypass 2
  ManageEngine ADManager Plus Recovery Password Disclosure Attempt
  HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Informational
  Apache OFBiz XML-RPC Request (Deprecated)
  Possible Citrix StoreFront Cross-Site Scripting Attempt
  SIP Informational 3
  SIP Informational 4
  PTZOptics Cameras Possible Authentication Bypass
  Roundcube Webmail Installer Informational
  GL.iNet Routers Command Injection Informational
  JumpServer Ansible Playbook Input Validation Bypass (Informational)
  Ollama GetBlobsPath digest Directory Traversal (Informational)
  Veeder-Root ATG Informational
  CUPS Get-Printer-Attributes IPP Request
  MapUrlToZone Client Request (NetworkPlacesFolder)
  MapUrlToZone Client Request (knownfolder)
  MapUrlToZone Client Request (LanmanRedirector)

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