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MalAgent.H_12923 is a Trojan. A Trojan is a program that pretends to have a valid use, but in fact modifies the user's computer in malicious ways. Trojans do not replicate or spread to other computers.

Mutexes created
  • Nothing to report

Directory level activity
    • Nothing to report

    File level activity
      • Nothing to report

      Registry level activity
        • Nothing to report

        Library level activity
        • load - library - KERNEL32.DLL
        • load - library - ADVAPI32.dll
        • load - library - C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscoreei.dll
        • load - library - SHLWAPI.dll

        Process API calls used
        • NtCreateSection
        • ZwMapViewOfSection
        • ExitProcess

        Registry API calls used
        • RegOpenKeyExW
        • RegQueryInfoKeyW
        • RegEnumKeyExW
        • RegEnumValueW
        • RegCloseKey
        • RegQueryValueExW
        • RegCloseKey

        System API calls used
        • LdrGetDllHandle
        • LdrGetProcedureAddress
        • LdrLoadDll
        • LdrGetProcedureAddress

        Filesystem API calls used
        • FindFirstFileExW
        • NtQueryDirectoryFile
        • NtCreateFile
        • NtQueryInformationFile
        • NtQueryInformationFile


        UDP source >> destination

          TCP source >> destination

            • NA

            DNS Request:
            • NA

            HTTP Request:
            • NA

            DLL related data
            Number of DLL's imported = 1
            • mscoree.dll

            Relevant Information