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Stration_110 is a Worm. Worms spread from computer to computer, making copies of themselves over the network. They could spread over email, IM, peer-to-peer networks, or directly over the wire by leveraging vulnerabilities. Stration_110 has a file size of 304,425 bytes. It uses the network connection:
  • Looks for an Internet connection.
  • Opens URL:
  • Connects to "" on port 80 (TCP).
  • Opens URL:
  • Connects to "" on port 25 (IP).
  • Connects SMTP server.

Stration_110 drops the following files on the hard drive:

  • C:\WINDOWS\serrv.exe (304425 bytes)
  • C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\e1.dll (9216 bytes)
It also changes Windows registry:
  • Creates value "serrv"="C:\WINDOWS\serrv.exe s" in key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run".
It also is executed every time Windows starts, attempts to acquire the "SeDebugPrivilege" privileges, monitors the list of running processes.

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