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BlackMatter.RSM_1 is a Virus. Virus is a type of malware that, when executed, replicates by inserting copies of itself (possibly modified) into other computer programs, data files, or the boot sector of the hard drive

Mutexes created
  • Global\69faf8105d01190c4ea37cca063f99cd

Directory level activity
    • Nothing to report

    File level activity
    • write - file - PIPE\lsarpc
    • write - file - PIPE\lsarpc

    Registry level activity
      • Nothing to report

      Library level activity
      • load - library - NTDLL
      • load - library - ntdll.dll
      • load - library - kernel32.dll
      • load - library - advapi32.dll
      • load - library - user32.dll
      • load - library - gdi32.dll
      • load - library - shell32.dll
      • load - library - ole32.dll
      • load - library - shlwapi.dll
      • load - library - oleaut32.dll
      • load - library - wtsapi32.dll
      • load - library - winspool.drv
      • load - library - Secur32.dll
      • load - library - C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcss.dll
      • load - library - C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
      • load - library - uxtheme.dll
      • load - library - CLBCATQ.DLL
      • load - library - KERNEL32.DLL
      • load - library - C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll
      • load - library - C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll
      • load - library - C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe
      • load - library - xpsp2res.dll
      • load - library - OLE32
      • load - library - OLE32.DLL
      • load - library - C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll
      • load - library - C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll
      • load - library - C:\Documents and Settings\TestMachine\Local Settings\Temp\62a1b4d4b461f4eaae91c70727f71604.bin
      • load - library - ddraw.dll
      • load - library - d3d8.dll
      • load - library - d3d9.dll

      Process API calls used
      • ZwMapViewOfSection
      • NtFreeVirtualMemory
      • NtCreateSection
      • ExitProcess

      Registry API calls used
      • RegCreateKeyExW
      • RegQueryValueExW
      • RegOpenKeyExW
      • RegCloseKey
      • NtOpenKey
      • NtQueryValueKey
      • RegDeleteKeyW
      • RegQueryValueExW

      System API calls used
      • LdrLoadDll
      • LdrGetProcedureAddress
      • LdrGetDllHandle
      • IsDebuggerPresent
      • NtDelayExecution
      • LdrGetDllHandle

      Filesystem API calls used
      • FindFirstFileExW
      • NtQueryDirectoryFile
      • NtOpenFile
      • NtCreateFile
      • NtQueryInformationFile
      • NtSetInformationFile
      • NtReadFile
      • NtWriteFile
      • NtOpenDirectoryObject


      UDP source >> destination

        TCP source >> destination

          • NA

          DNS Request:
          • NA

          HTTP Request:
          • NA

          DLL related data
          Number of DLL's imported = 3
          • gdi32.dll
          • USER32.dll
          • KERNEL32.dll

          Relevant Information