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Sever.B is a Worm. Worms are reproducing malicious programs that run independently and travel across network connections without human action. They could spread over email, IM, peer-to-peer networks, or directly over the wire by leveraging vulnerabilities. The threat that a worm poses is its capability to replicate itself on the system so the computer can send out hundreds or thousands of copies of itself.

File Related Changes
It drops the following file(s) on the system:
  • "c:\Windows\System32\LwBWV60.dll"

It modifies the following additional file(s) on the system:
  • "c:\Windows\System32\Winscrl0n3.Scr"
  • "c:\Windows\System32\NavbwvLw32.Exe"

            Registry Related Changes
            It makes the following registry modifications to ensure infection after system reboot:
            • HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ = C:\Windows\system32\NavbwvLw32.Exe

            Relevant Information