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Application: eMule

The eDonkey network is a decentralized, mostly server-based, peer-to-peer file sharing network best suited to share big files among users. There are many programs that act as the client part of the network. Most notably, eDonkey2000, the original client by MetaMachine; and eMule, a free program for Windows licensed under the GNU GPL. The eMule Project also developed a Kademlia network of their own (called Kad) to overcome the reliance on central servers. eMule connects to multiple p2p networks, including eDonkey and Kad. eMule allows for direct exchange of sources between client nodes, quick recovery of corrupted downloads, and the use of a credits to reward uploaders. eMule transmits data in zlib-compressed form to save bandwidth. SonicWALL Application Control signatures for Encrypted Key Exchange application, SIDs 5 and 7, are required in order to block eMule, and other eDonkey clients when they are run in obfuscated mode.

  eMule -- Obfuscated Protocol
  eMule -- UDP Activity (Kad) 1
  eMule -- UDP Activity (Kad) 2
  eMule -- Request URI (ed2k)
  eMule -- HTTP Activity 1
  eMule -- TCP Activity 3
  eMule -- TCP Activity 1
  eMule -- HTTP Activity (.met)
  eMule -- TCP Activity 2
  eMule -- UDP Activity (easyMule VeryCD) 1
  eMule -- UDP Activity (Kad) 3
  eMule -- TCP Activity (easyMule VeryCD)
  eMule -- UDP Activity (easyMule VeryCD) 2
  eMule -- UDP Activity (easyMule) 2
  eMule -- UDP Activity (easyMule) 1
  eMule -- UDP Activity 1
  eMule -- UDP Activity (Kad) 4
  eMule -- UDP Activity (Kad) 5
  eMule -- UDP Activity (Kad) 6
  eMule -- UDP Activity (Kad) 7
  eMule -- UDP Activity (Kad) 8
  eMule -- HTTP Activity 2
  eMule -- UDP Activity 2
  eMule -- UDP Activity (eDonkey)
  eMule -- TCP Activity (eDonkey) 1
  eMule -- TCP Activity (eDonkey) 2

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