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Application: X-VPN

X-VPN is another VPN app for Android devices. Blocking X-VPN requires (1) Enabling blocking for entire Proxy-Access category, including Encrypted Key Exchange app signatures; (2) Enabling DPI-SSL Client Inspection; (3) Enabling blocking for X-VPN application signatures; (4) Enable outbound Access Rule to block TCP 25 (SMTP standard port); and (5) Enable outbound Access Rule to block TCP 21 (FTP standard control channel port)

  X-VPN -- HTTP Activity 3 [Reqs DPISSL]
  X-VPN -- Proprietary Protocol 1
  X-VPN -- TCP Activity 1
  X-VPN -- TCP Activity 2
  X-VPN -- HTTP Activity 1 [Reqs DPISSL]
  X-VPN -- DNS Query 2
  X-VPN -- HTTP Activity 2 [Reqs DPISSL]
  X-VPN -- DNS Query 4
  X-VPN -- HTTPS Activity 1
  X-VPN -- HTTP Activity 4 [Reqs DPISSL]

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