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Application: Coinhive Monero Miner

Coinhive Monero Miner is javascript code that is embedded into websites and once downloaded by user, starts to mine the crypto-currency called Monero. This code may either be part of the website by design (for example, explicitly allowing visitors to opt-into Coinhive in exchange for opting-out of advertisements. In some cases this code can be considered malware if it is being added to websites through exploiting the web code vulnerabilities.

  Coinhive Monero Miner -- HTTP Activity
  Coinhive Monero Miner -- HTTPS Activity 1
  Coinhive Monero Miner -- HTTPS Activity 2
  Coinhive Monero Miner -- JavaScript 1
  Coinhive Monero Miner -- JavaScript 2
  Coinhive Monero Miner -- JavaScript 3

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