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  WinGuardian wg20.exe_1
Program no longer in production but legacy versions could be in circulation.

Logs user visited web sites, all programs opened, all keystrokes. Takes screenshot images at specified times. Optionally displays an ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY on screen - Encourages users to agree and adhere to acceptable conduct.

Works in a network environment - Allows you to monitor use on multiple computers with one simple interface


WebRoot writes: "
First, Webroot no longer makes nor sells WinGuardian. We stopped offering it over a year ago. And even if we were still selling it, our
anti-spyware program, Spy Sweeper, detects all products capable of tracking user's activities -- including our own. If anyone is running
an old version of WinGuardian or ChildSafe, it will be detected by Spy Sweeper and treated exactly the same as any other spyware program.
This has been true since the launch of Spy Sweeper.

Much like Net Nanny and other legitimate parental and/or corporatemonitoring systems, when used properly, these tools are valuable to protecting corporate assets and for parents to protect their children online. While we don't currently offer any monitoring tools, Webroot is still committed to maintaining privacy and offering protection from online dangers."

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