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  Bundled-Software eNbrowser SnackMan Setup Download SnackMan.exe
This free game is supported by adware. Though it says this in the EULA it does not go into great detail as to how much or what adware programs are bundled with snackman.exe. Often times, PacerD is installed with this game. In this case, 33 or more separate adware and trojan programs were installed.


Snackman.exe leaves a hidden window open that generates numerous pop-ups. So much that it is nearly impossible to play the 'free' game because of pop-up interference.

Removal Instructions:

If you wish to uninstall, do the following:

1. START (the button in the bottom left-hand corner of your computer)
2. Choose SETTINGS
4. Choose Add/Remove Programs
5. Select SnackMan 1.0
6. Click on Add/Remove
7. Click OK

That should remove it entirely from your system.

If you do not see Snack Man in your add/remove programs list, and you are still seeing advertisements from enBrowser, then you need to make sure to reboot your computer.

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